In March (2000) I sold my first drawing on ebay titled, “Dark Green Man On Stilts.” That drawing depicted a man on a set of very tall stilts, so tall in fact that there was no way for him to get down. I thought that it was probably a metaphor,saying that the stilts might represent the precariousness, and difficulties of life. In the drawing the man was enjoying a cup of coffee and I concluded the narrative saying that the drawing represented our need to enjoy life regardless of its impossible difficulties.
Well that is all well and good, and the man is just a metaphor and all that, but I left him in an impossible situation, that needed some resolution. Today when I got to the studio it occurred to me, he can get to a tree and climb down from there.
So here he is at the dramatic moment of transition. He has let go of the stilts and grabbed hold of the tree, loosing his coffee cup and saucer in the process.
The point of this drawing probably is, “Don’t be afraid of change.”
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